Card-carrying Member of the 30-something Club!

Well, I've been derelict in my duties of blog-writer. But with good reason: I had a smashingly-fabulous birthday weekend! Now, my hairdresser has a friend who celebrates her birthday for an entire month...I like to think I'm slightly less selfish than that. All-the-same, it was perfect and lasted three whole days.

Arrive at Eclipse di Luna looking highly stylish with a new hair cut, a short dress and my hot Momma beside me. Ande & Rob arrive. Dusty and Chris arrive. Pitcher of coconut Mojitos arrives. Mmmmm. Tapas arrive, we all scarf and enjoy boisterous, witty conversation until about 11:00.

Arrive at Dusty & Chris' humble abode. We drink more Mojitos (after Ande gives Dusty a crash course on creating the devilish concoction.) We add to the repertoire, Jeff. He contributes greatly to the witty banter. Suddenly they all bust out singing "happy birthday" and put a cookie cake in my lap! Mmmmm. We hang out until about 1:00.

Arrive at Ande & Rob's house for some card-playing. The kiddos are with us and play whilst we mingle and get to know Cesar and Blandine. Jason arrives and we have a full table and are ready to play. (Well, I took the kids downstairs to go to sleep and ended up missing 50% of the games.) Anyway, Barbara arrives just after I join the table and begin to learn the art and strategy behind Texas Hold 'Em. Who knew that game was so fun?!?!? Anyway, at midnight Ande presented me with a decadent ice cream sundae with a candle and everyone sang "happy birthday" to me. Sweet friends I have, aye?

Ande pops in to watch the boys so I can have my FREE birthday dinner at Provino's. I dressed up again and must say that I looked pretty good...for a 25-year-old! I ate until I couldn't walk and we brought home cheesecake with strawberries for the volunteer baby-sitter. My sister also called and sang "happy birthday" on my voice mail.

It was a great weekend. I am so blessed. God really has done some amazing things for me this past year. And the love He has brought to me shined brightly this weekend.

I love you: Tony, Mom, Diego, Leo, Christian, Ande, Dusty, and all my long-distance friends who wished me well on my Facebook page. You are all, always on my heart!


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