Wubulous Wednesday: Instead of Wordless Wednesday

I think today, that I want to talk about the pursuit of happiness. Aka, the pursuit of money. But let me just make it clear that I do NOT pursue money as a form of happiness. I am realistic in believing that money does buy opportunity, which affords happiness, but money and material possessions (in and of themselves) do not make a person happy.
So, you can read Ten Apples Up On Top here. That is if you don't have it in your home library.
Anyway, what I gathered from this book is that we (humans, although "we" are depicted as animals in the book) are highly competitive creatures. When it comes to money, status, material stuff and "bling" we are always trying to beat the next guy (or gal.) The only problem with that is that we then forget about the human connections we had that got us to where we are.
I don't care who you are, every person you have ever met in your life has taught you something. Some lessons may be clear as glass, other lessons may be hidden or perhaps you haven't evaluated a specific relationship to see what it has to teach you. Ultimately, we learn some valuable nugget of knowledge from each and every social encounter. That being said - you would not be where you are today without everyone you've ever known!
So why do we put so much value on the tangible, rust-able, biodegradable crap that comes from our intangible, valuable human connections??? Who knows? Maybe it's the pretty colors they paint new cars that catch our eyes. Maybe it's the feeling of superiority that we get over our neighbors when we feel we have the nicer counter-tops... I don't know
But to be perfectly honest, I sometimes want those things. I find myself pushing harder than the next person to balance more apples, sign more deals and make more money.
The thing that scares me about that - there will always be the people chasing you that want to take it from you. With vanity and greed comes jealousy and lust. People will always want what you have and they may be willing to do anything to get it.
Another thing I know: You are who you hang out with. If you hang out with a 3-apple bunch, you'll only ever balance three apples. If you hang with an 8-apple bunch, you'll easily balance eight apples. You pickin' up what I'm layin' down?
I guess it comes down to knowing where you came from and giving credit where it is due. I've known some well-off people who gave praise only to themselves. I've also known some filthy rich people who were grateful to God, Aunt Millie, their cousin's stylist, the ice cream truck driver and their mechanic's best friend's babysitter. And you know what? The filthy rich people with hearts full of gratitude, not only had more material wealth but more peace, love and positive energy than the rich folks who worshiped only themselves.

I plan on giving full credit where it is due and living a life of love, happiness and wealth.

I'm not exactly sure where I'm going with this...so why don't you leave me some feedback as to what your thoughts are?

  • Did you know that it was twenty years later when Dr. Seuss wrote his second book, "The Cat in the Hat"? 
Yeah, so today's Wubulous Wednesday lesson is that persistence pays off. President Calvin Coolidge once said, 

"Nothing in the world takes the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with great talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence, determination alone are omnipotent."

I recently read in an article by Katie Byrd that Coca Cola only sold 400 drinks their first year in business: Henry Ford went bankrupt TWICE before successfully creating the Model T. 

Craziness! Absolute craziness! 

So how are we supposed to push on? When the kiddos are driving us nuts, when our significant other is less-than-helpful, when our co-workers are lazy and catty, how do we gather the courage to keep going?

Persistence, perseverance, stubbornness! 

It has to be a state of mind. We have to KNOW that "this too shall pass." Being in sales, I know that each "no" I hear brings me closer to hearing "yes." I know that I may not earn the business of a merchant on the first, second or even third visit - I'll have to visit possibly four or five times before I make that sale!

Believe me, there are days when I want to skip this building, move past that door, miss an appointment and just plain give up. And then I realize that I would just be taking the easy way out. So I listen to my recording of the third scroll from Og Mandino's, "The Greatest Salesman in the World," and I pull myself up by my bootstraps and get to steppin'! 

Whether it's problems with your son's behavior, whether you and your husband have had some arguments lately, if you can't stand listening to the catty bitches at work complain about all the work they DON'T do, whatever it is...persevere. You can make it through. Today may be the last day of your life - SO MAKE IT GREAT!

I don't know about you, but I've got goals. I've got dreams and aspirations...and they are SKY HIGH! If I don't push forward, if I don't take the next step, I will never succeed. But...

If I persist, I WILL succeed!

"All those NUPBOARDS in the CUPBOARDS.
They're good fun to have about.
Him I could do without!"

Some people are nice, some are not. Some are always present. Some we only see once in a while. But we live here and have to accept them all.

This book has a valuable lesson about life on this rock.

Can anyone say TOLERANCE?

Now, as a Christian, I know I'm supposed to love everyone. As a human, in all my flawed, emotional incompleteness...I find that a goal worth striving for... but very difficult to achieve. 

While I know that murder is wrong and that sometimes it is an accident, I find it very hard to find forgiveness in my heart for those that are guilty. It's none of my business and it doesn't matter if I forgive them or not. But I should still be able to love them.

While I have seen and experienced stereotypes in action, I know that I should not prejudge anyone. Whether I had a good or bad previous experience has no bearing on how this experience will be.

All worthy goals, so I guess I'll keep trying.

Oh, the places you'll go...by Dr. Seuss.

You know, I always new Dr. Seuss was a genius, but I LOVE this YouTube video with John Lithgow reading while the pages flip. This, apparently is a popular graduation gift. After watching and listening to this story, I see why.

It's inspirational!
It promotes ACTION!
It is positive.
It is realistic!
It has twists and turns...
It gives COURAGE!
It's motivational!

...and now an excerpt:

You'll get mixed up, of course,
as you already know.
You'll get mixed up
with many strange birds as you go.
So be sure when you step.
Step with care and great tact
and remember that Life's
a Great Balancing Act.

Just never forget to be dexterous and deft.
And never mix up your right foot with your left.

And will you succeed?
Yes! You will, indeed!
(98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.)

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